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Product details
File Size: 7888 KB
Print Length: 195 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (August 31, 2013)
Publication Date: September 9, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#771,741 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This review doesn't cover the entire book, but is restricted to Chapters 2-4 on statistical entropy. Unfortunately those chapters contain some very serious conceptual errors and non sequiturs which effectively obliterate the logic of the subject. Granted, most of the well-known basic results are correct, but this isn't surprising since they are standard and also appear in any number of other books. The problem is that the arguments used to obtain those results are all too often illogical, incomplete, inconsistent, or simply incorrect. Not all of the misconceptions are original with the author, but he has magnified their harmful influence by uncritically recycling and disseminating them. The most serious defects are as follows:(1) The author claims the usual Planck or Boltzmann expression S = k log W is incomplete and a system-dependent constant c(N) needs to be added to it to make S extensive. It cannot be overemphasized that this claim is completely erroneous. The formula S = k log W is valid in general if the number of equally likely microstates (W) is counted correctly. As Gibbs explained over 100 years ago, identical classical particles must be treated as indistinguishable for this purpose. Unfortunately, the misconception that such particles are distinguishable is a common error in many other books besides this one. The author's related procedure of "Imposing extensivity" is likewise illegitimate. Entropy is not always extensive, but when it is extensivity is automatic and need not be artificially imposed.(2) Occupation numbers (often referred to as a distribution) are inconsistently and incorrectly regarded as macrostates. By definition, macrostates are defined by relatively small sets of macroscopic variables which can in principle be determined by macroscopic measurements. In contrast, the occupation numbers in a thermodynamic system are a very large set of unmeasurable microscopic variables which provide a much more detailed description of the system, so they are actually a type of microstate. The distinction between macrostates and microstates is crucial to understanding entropy.(3) The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution is obtained by the unjustified ad hoc procedure of "maximizing the entropy of the occupation number macrostate", which as noted above isn't a macrostate at all. In contrast, most other books obtain this result by the mathematically equivalent but more intuitive procedure of simply determining the most probable distribution, and they also acknowledge that this procedure is merely a simple plausibility argument which leads to the same result as a more rigorous derivation.In short, the author omits or fails to grasp some important details and subtleties about statistical entropy. This has resulted in a garbled presentation of the subject as a disjointed assortment of apparently arbitrary fragments and assertions. A novice would be hard pressed to derive correct results from this hodgepodge unless they were already known in advance. Students who use this book as a guide are being misled and badly served by it, and will be lost in the wilderness with an inaccurate and unreliable map. Even worse, they may not realize this, as indicated by the positive reviews.
I studied physics almost 30 years ago. Since then I have drifted into software engineering, with an interest in the more mathematical side of things. So I bought this book to check out the similarities between thermodynamic and infortmatic (if that is a word) entropy.I was very pleasantly surprised. The book arrived a few days ago and I have now read five out of the eight chapters - much more than I originally intended - for the simple pleasure of seeing so much, so clearly explained. I wish this book had been available when I was a student!I can identify two reasons why this book is so good:First, it starts with the simplest approach and then builds on those foundations. This makes it easier to understand, because things become only gradually more complex, and also more entertaining - you are constantly questioning what you are shown, and then find that your questions are answered in the next section.Second, it takes pains to explain how things are constructed to have certain properties. This removes much of the "magic" I remembered from the thermodynamics courses I took.But following those two guidelines alone could still produce an awful book. So credit must also go to the general style, and clear writing.[Also, I am amazed another review can claim that the formula do not come with derivations. My only guess is that there's a kind of student who is not happy unless faced with pages and faces of incomprehensible algebra. There is certainly algebra here, but only when necessary. Sometimes you can frame a problem so clearly that the maths is simple to write down.]
This was an absolute delight to read. I am an ex-physicist, so I had some of the required mathematical background, which I'm sure helped. But the author's overview and journey through the topic was great. Clearly the author knew the history of the subject as well as the various shifts in how Entropy was considered from classical through quantum treatments. And he has synthesized all of this into a clear overview that gave me a great understanding and appreciation for entropy worked, to the point where I think most readers who follow the book can apply entropy concepts to almost any system. (And bonus points for also having a brief but surprisingly helpful overview of Gibbs free energy.) I'd read of both Boltzmann's and Planck's contributions before, but the real meaning of what they'd done came through best in this text.I really wish there were other books like this on other deep topics in physics. This is one I'll keep on my (virtual) shelf.
I love this book. My undergraduate Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics course uses Reif for the required text, which I honestly can't stand. I got this book and I'm also using 'Concepts in Thermal Physics', together I'm learning a lot more than I had been from Reif.This book is concise, which is something missing from many textbooks these days, and very clear. I just wish there was a solutions manual available.
Entropy must be the most well known and equivalently least understood principle of physics. Lemons does a great job explaining and tries to encompass almost every aspect we know about entropy.
Generally useful, but I find some of the ideas are not presented clearly within the context provided. I have to supply additional context from other writings on entropy.
A well organized examination of thermodynamics from an entropic point of view. Develops a clear conceptual appreciation for entropy and its significance.
Excellant book